Jul 9, 2008

Good News & Bad News

So it seems that with a skillful combination of wishful thinking and hearing only what I wanted to hear, I may have misunderstood the last diagnosis. I guess what the neurosurgeon really said was they "may have gotten it all". May being the operative word.This is what I found out on my recent visit to my oncologist (the lady who "may" turn my into the Hulk with gamma rays). As it turns out we are back to the original plan where they did in fact leave a small amount of the tumors in my brain (for memory purposes remember?). So now I will be going back to the oncologist at the Pencer Brain Tumor Centre in the Princess Margaret Hospital for radiation treatments in the near future.The treatments themselves won't last long (just a couple of minutes) but I get to go every day for about 20 days. It's not something I'm especially looking forward to but like I've said before, I've come this far, what the Hell? I really can't complain, there were a lot of people at the Centre who had it a lot worse than I do. I'm just happy to be with my family and I have the rare opportunity to spend the entire summer with my kids. But do you know what the best part of it is? I still fell better than I have in a VERY long time. So I might not feel that great for a little while but like I said; it could be worse.They also checked my vision and while my peripheral is not where it should be, they told me that it will continue to improve as time goes on. I've also still got to see and endocrinologist because it seems that my pituitary gland was damaged by one of the tumors. This means that I will need to go on "hormone replacements" so if I start to grow bumps where there shouldn't be any you may not hear from me for a while (that's the good news).